Sunday, May 18, 2014

Debut AVP: Day 7

I lost 2 days to just layout photos and animating them. I'm my final stretch and I need to deliver by tomorrow the final resolution render. I just have to fix the following stuff:

  • Segment 4
    • Lay-out photos and animate *sigh*
    • Animate text as per requested by the client
    • I should be done by 2 o'clock am
  • Introduction
    • On black background, add pictures *sigh*
    • Start Music
    • Add Voice Over
    • Align to Segment 1
    • I should be done by 3 o'clock am *gulp*
  • Credits
    • Add Text
    • Add Music
    • Pan upward
    • Doesn't sound so complex
    • Should be done by 3 o'clock am
I'm so abusing myself. This should be the last of this kind.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Debut AVP: Day 5

Man, I'm now a day behind... I wasn't able to finish segment 3 yesterday, now I'm going to rush segment 3 and 4 tonight and tomorrow. Oh sleep, how I must carry work through the weekends now.

Tonight's goal, finish segment 3... Then start segment 4. Call it a night, wake-up whenever... then start animating all day Saturday. Continue work on Sunday...

I hope, all I have to do is render on Sunday... as minimal task as possible. *prays*

That's all, amma straighten my goals tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Debut AVP: Day 4

I dedicate at least 4 hours each day to work on this AVP project, but not today. I can dedicate up to 12 hours today to finish as much as I can. Last night (Day 3) I was only able to layout Talking Heads for segment 1, and we have up to segment 4. I should be able to layout Talking heads for Segment 2 and 3 today.

Here's a list of what I think's gonna happen:

  • Create Segment 2 composition
  • Layout placeholder for segment 2 title card
  • Layout background for segment 2 composition
  • Layout proper introduction timing
  • Layout Song
  • Listen to talking heads
  • Layout talking heads
  • Chop proper timing for talking heads

  • Create Segment 3 composition
  • Layout placeholder for segment 3 title card
  • Layout background for segment 3 composition
  • Layout proper introduction timing
  • Layout Song
  • Listen to talking heads
  • Layout talking heads
  • Chop proper timing for talking heads

  • If I still have enough time; create name banners for the talking heads.
    • Intro
    • Loop (2 sec)
    • Outro

  • If I still have enough time; animate background loop.
    • Squiggly lines
    • Building loop
    • Title background

  • Call it a day

  • I'll work on Segment 4 on Friday.
    • If I still have enough time; re-work Segment 0.
  • Saturday Tasks includes:
    • Sorting pictures accordingly
    • Animate all segments
That's it. I now have a clear goal! Ciao.

Debut AVP: Day 3

From last update, I've only managed to accomplish a hand-full of tasks before dozing off. With that in mind, amma tackle the AVP a little differently now. Amma tackle it per module required rather than laying them out, hoping I'll figure a good animation per image/clip.

Here are the modules I've come up with:
  • Animated Background Loop
  • Talking Head Frames
    • I call them talking heads because that's what they are... A video of a person, usually staring straight to the camera, talking their hearts out.
    • Figure when to cut their talk to transition to a new frame.
  • Talking Head introductory banner
    • Insert name of the talker
    • Insert relationship of the talker to the debutant
  • Baby Picture Insert Timing
    • and based from the Baby Pic insert timing, layout in photo shop then figure animation.
Amma start with Talking Head Frames. Talking Heads are boring to watch. Period. Unless the talking head is trying to be funny. With that in mind, long talking head will have different frame cut out from them so we see interesting shapes!

The Whole Screen Talking Head
aka, "In your face! I'm talking!"
Self-explanatory title. One thing to note tho, I'll be starting all talking heads like so. No fancy animation of sort, just fade it in after they've started to talk after a few seconds or so.... Then add the talking head introductory banner.

The Framed Whole Screen
aka the not so in your face talking
Unlike the first whole screen, this one gets fancy intro and outro animation, but stays still while the person talks. It'll feature part of the looping background.

The Cropped Talking Head
This one features the talking head video cropped into a small square. This will animate creatively, even while the speaker is still talking. I'll just have to time how long it'll feature the talking head then animate it later on. I need all the time to layout the talking heads.

That's it for now. I have around 8 hours to spend tomorrow for this project... So maybe I'll use that time to sort pictures. Ciao!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Debut AVP: Day 2

I slept really late last time. Client wanted to remove the animation I placed in for the introduction... Maybe I overdid it. But it doesn't matter anymore, they wanted something much simpler; and I totally agree. With the amount of time left, I really couldn't afford animating too much.

Tonight amma deal with talking heads (testimonies) with cut to cut photo images of our debutant's baby pictures. Now I need to do the following:

  • Set up segment 1 composition
  • Re-create title card
    • They wanted to call it (o-4) years of summer
  • Layout the BGM
    • Listen to BGM
    • Plot proper timing
  • Layout talking head 1 to time line
    • Listen to talking heads
    • play along with BGM
  • Sort out good and bad baby pictures
  • Decide when to cut in baby photos
    • Re-arrange talking head video
  • Layout talking head 2 to time line
    • Listen to talking head again
    • play along the BGM
  • Do we still have enought baby pitures?
    • Recycle if needs be
  • Decide when to cut in baby pictures left
    • re-arrange talking head video
  • Render
  • Call it a night
I wonder how long all this will take. I can't keep sleeping late, I'll go insane! Haha. Kidding aside, I should be working things out of the list above. Ciao!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Debut AVP: Day 1

I was commissioned to create an Audio Video Presentation (AVP) for a debut. I'd like to document my day to day; and step by step process; so I don't feel as rusty as my last commission. I always do amazing stuff, but I keep forgetting on how I did it last time. Also, this idea will help me discipline myself. So here's to a good project!

So here's my goal for the night:

Concept by the client. I need a good introductory video (video summary; the presentation in a nut shell), animating along the provided voice-overs, BGM, and photos. The segment runs approximately 1 minute. As of the writing of this blog, I haven't received all the photo assets to complete this video. So I'll make do of whatever I have.

Setup Notes:
Remember your settings Maco
I'll post what ever I can. I just want to have a clear goal at mind right now. See you next update.